Always take into account the restrictions affecting passenger ferries in the both ports of Igoumenitsa and Patras.
For example, Classes 1, 2, 6.2, 7 regardless of packing group and also from the other classes packing group I & II ARE NOT ALLOWED to be shipped.
Please bear in mind this information and remember that on the route Brindisi - Igoumenitsa and the Patras Grimaldi Line sailings are passenger ferries only, so it is not possible on this route to accept cargo belonging to above mentioned classes of ADR.
As an alternative Grimaldi Lines can offer travel on a cargo ship (with only 12 driver spaces available) sailing ONLY TO PATRAS from Genoa, Venice, Ravenna and Bari.
Remember that the documentation to get the ADR authorisation from Italian port authorities must be submitted with enough advanced warning and 3 working days prior departure are recommended.
For example, booking on Friday morning an ADR booking for a Saturday departure will be most likely refused. See Grimaldi Line routes.